Saturday, October 28, 2017

on twenty octobers

Hello from Hokkaido autumn! It has been a beautiful month of trees changing colors and the cool air smelling of the sweet smoke from the sugar beet factory in our town. We have already enjoyed seeing our first snow... with my second daughter winning our annual family "first snowfall day of the season" contest. The past couple weeks have been filled with some wonderful sunshiny days in which I have been thankful for the Lord giving me the opportunity to enjoy and be refreshed by taking some walks with family and friends. God gives us family and friends to encourage and bless one another, to lift each other up, to challenge, and to inspire. "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." (Proverbs 27:17) October is a special month as it marks the month I became a mother to our first child. This post is dedicated especially to her as she has inspired and encouraged me to rekindle those desires for writing, and what better time to do so than in the cozy autumn days of October! 

on twenty octobers

enters my heart
       peeking through shadows and leaves
  moving gently in
autumn breeze
travels deep into
                  my mind
                  the hopes of tomorrow

in the moment of
simple words and laughter
the sun filtering
                   the last of the vibrant colors
of the season

Sunshine from God
                  whispering a new season is about to begin.

--Tanya V. Minks